Saturday, March 28, 2009

My first contest [spring inspired =]


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hi everyone =]

Thanks for being so patient esp my youtube subscribers =] yall are AWESOME!!

So i have a new fav and i really wanna let ppl know about it =] Its a leave in conditioner by janecartersolutions =] i paid 8 dollars for it and its beynd awesome =] Keeps my hair looking shiny LESS OILY!! and it smells awesome =] Yesterday alot of ppl were complimenting me on my hair at work and the only thing i did different was use this product =] I def think ppl with oily hair or even reg hair should tPublish Postry it =]

Heres the website go ch-ch-ch-check it out[add 80's rap music now] lol ::

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Omg havent blogged for awhile XP

Sorry i havent blogged in awhile its just that i have a new job and i have been packing as well =[
 I will be back and blogging soon =]
 Thank you for being patient =]